Sapere were approached by UK Warranty to make web app improvements and bug fixes to stabilise an internal software solution. The solution was originally developed to allow UK Warranty customers to manage their own customers white goods warranties such as fridges, fridge-freezers, and washing machines and tumble dryers. The system itself was used by many high street companies to provide warranties to members of the public.
Sometimes an unstable application needs a software review and a bit of expert guidance to make it stable and usable again. From time to time Sapere inherit such systems that have been badly designed and the development executed without the correct level of skill.
Sometimes it’s cheaper and easier to start again but if the system underpins the entire business then a code review and bug fix is required before any decisions are made on a re-write. Once the application is stable the foundations need bringing into line to make it more robust.
The original software solution needed urgent web app improvements to fix the reliability and stability of the product. Having many years of experience developing solid robust web systems Sapere provided a code review and put in place relevant measures to rectify the clients problems.
The system is growing at an exponential rate due to the success of the business; this meant the foundation of any changes had to be efficient enough to cope with the increased volume in usage.
The requested changes other than the bug fixes included writing web services integrated with the web application with which third party companies such as Haier and Argos could post resold warranties to their back office software system. Other changes included a reworking of how prices for warranties within the system were calculated along with the production and maintaining of direct debit schedules.
Sapere have restored faith in the system and made it very reliable. It’s a business critical business tool and it now operates as such since Sapere fixed the foundations of the web app. Main changes were updates to the way data was handled, improved security and improvements to speed and performance and error logging.
Since our changes have been deployed, the monthly direct debit production is now completely automated, saving hours of monotonous and time intensive processing allowing the client to focus their efforts elsewhere.
The following business benefits have been realised since the app development changes went live.