For many years the trust charity had used the same platform to manage donations, charitable events and the distribution of funds. The platform being used was not fulfilling the proactive and innovative needs of the charity that wanted the system to do more. They wanted better insight and access to data in real-time so they could increase the donations and improve the amount of support they could offer their service users.
They approached Sapere to analyse their current platform and needs, research the market and provide a report on what their options were to achieve their goals and ambitions.
The main problem the trust charity had was the system they were using to manage donations was outdated, slow, cumbersome and didn’t mirror the processes of the organisation. The software didn’t provide key management information on income. This was having to be captured manually, leading to increasing inefficiencies and meaning the management was unable to make accurate decisions on marketing spend with inaccurate data.
The resulting solution was outlined in a comprehensive report. The report detailed all the technical options and software systems available to the charity including off-the-shelf solutions, bespoke solutions, and a hybrid option.
The report also detailed likely architectures, costs and timescales – essentially everything the charity needed to decide upon a path forward, to then seek funding and support and to then facilitate a solution.
The following business benefits have been realised by the NHS trust charity since the consultancy was delivered.